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[Nurse Tips] Ten new methods of venipuncture!(1)

November 04 , 2022

"see blood when you prick it" is the goal that every clinical nurse wants to achieve. Today, I will share with you some different acupuncture methods, hoping to help you.

01#Two tourniquets

A tourniquet was tied on the elbow joint and at the wrist joint, and blood was obtained by venipuncture at the elbow fossa. This method is more effective than tying a tourniquet. For some children who cannot actively make a fist, it can be used instead of making a fist. At the same time, the local blood vessel filling degree is satisfactory.
This method is not only suitable for children, but also suitable for adults in patients with weight loss, unstable blood vessels, non-filling, hypotonia, exhaustion and inability to make a fist.

02#Easy to see the blood recovery method

One is the regulator high-profile method, that is, the regulator is placed close to the lower end of the Murphy dropper, and the second is the regulator high-profile infusion bottle low-level method, that is, the regulator is on the basis of high profile, and the infusion bottle is hung on the infusion stand adjustment knob. The success rate is high.

In these two methods, since the position of the infusion tube filled with liquid and the liquid bottle is lowered, it has a certain siphon effect; when the regulator is set to a high position, the infusion tube has more room for blood return, so once the scalp needle enters the blood vessel, the blood can easily return to the needle inside the tube.

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