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Does dry eye go away?

January 08 , 2021

Dry eye refers to abnormal tear quality or dynamics caused by any reason, leading to a decrease in tear film stability, and accompanied by ocular discomfort and/or ocular surface tissue lesions.

In recent years, dry eye has become a common disease and high incidence in ophthalmology clinics of hospitals at all levels in our country. According to professional research reports, one in every five people in my country suffers from dry eye. With the advent of the era of "screen reading", as well as poor eye environment and behavioral habits, the incidence of dry eye in my country has exploded year by year and is developing towards a younger age. Statistics show that there are currently about 360 million people with dry eye in my country, and dry eye has become another national eye health problem after myopia. Dry eye is a chronic disease that requires long-term treatment. In the future, clinical related products in the field of dry eye diagnosis and treatment will become more abundant.

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