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/Professor Shi Dong's OCT Online Teaching Activities

Professor Shi Dong's OCT Online Teaching Activities

August 11, 2022

ZD medical invited Professor Shi to participate in the online teaching activities On the evening of August 9.During this period, the number of participants reached 2600, and the number of likes exceeded 36000. The teacher answered questions patiently, and the on-site learning atmosphere was strong.

Professor Shi Dong is a senior chief physician of the Fourth Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University and a master's supervisor. Doctor of Ophthalmology, Tohoku University, Japan. He is good at the diagnosis and surgical treatment of common eye diseases such as fundus disease, cataract and glaucoma.

The course contents range from "Fundamentals of Ophthalmology" to "OCT clinical skills and precautions" and then to "interpretation of abnormal OCT images". Professor Shi's sharing is detailed and thought-provoking.

We asked Professor Shi to answer three questions on the spot:



Q:Can OCT replace or partially replace fundus examination?
A:OCT and fundus examination are complementary,
The combination of the two examination can help clinicians diagnose the disease more effectively.

Q:How to judge whether it is bleeding or exudation on OCT?

A:When OCT passes through the fundus line, the yellow color is likely to exude, and the red color is bleeding.

Q:How to better master the operation of OCT?

A:① Understand the patient's condition, main complaint, medical history and general condition before reading the film, and have a general diagnosis and treatment direction for the patient; ② Be familiar with the principle of OCT imaging and the meaning of representatives at all levels; ③ Combining the pathological characteristics and pathogenesis of various diseases can better help us to interpret OCT imaging.

After the event, Professor Shi sent sincere wishes and best wishes to ZD medical and all domestic technology manufacturers.
ZD medical also presents its corporate vision here: to become the leader of domestic ophthalmic devices and strive for the cause of human eye health.

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