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A Simple Way to Prevent Dry Eye

August 10 , 2022

In recent years, with the arrival of the intelligent information age, the heavy academic pressure and the increasing electronic screens useage have made the prevalence of dry eyes of the  people increasingly high.
According to incomplete statistics, the incidence rate of dry eye in Asia is among the highest in the world, and the incidence rate in China is about 21% - 30%. Based on this calculation, the number of dry eye patients in China is about 290 million to 420 million, with an average of 1-2 patients per 5 people.

How to correctly use, protect and prevent eye diseases has become a problem that the public pay close attention to.

ZD medical has been committed to fighting for the protection of human eye health. Today, we bring you a science sharing of blinking exercises. We hope that your eyes will become healthier and brighter.

Blinking Exercises:

Gently close your eyes for 2 seconds, tightly close your eyes for 2 seconds, and then open your eyes for another 2 seconds;
One minute of training will make your eyes more relaxed;
Blink 10 times a day to keep you alive all day.

In addition, if you feel eye discomfort or have incomplete blinking, we recommend that you go to the hospital for treatment to comprehensively understand the blink quality and prevent the occurrence of dry eyes.

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