Glycemia gives rise to various side effects or complications for people with diabetes. The complications or side effects include heart, circulation, blood vessel, kidney, sexual and eye problems. High blood sugar levels strain the blood vessels and put at risk the eyesight of diabetics. Eye problems caused by diabetes result from pressure on delicate blood vessels surrounding the various parts of the eye, such as the vitreous, retina, optic nerve and lens.
It takes time for eye problems caused by diabetes to make themselves manifest. The problems begin with
retina damage. Very small blood vessels comprise the retina and high amounts of blood sugar cause these tiny vessels to get irritated and swell. The retina fails to function at full capacity and afflicted persons begin to experience
eyesight problems. This therefore makes it necessary for diabetics to avail themselves of eye examination at least once every year. The examination includes, among other things, dilating the eyes to determine how the condition may have improved or worsened.
Advanced condition of
eye problems caused by diabetes is known as diabetic retinopathy. Diabetics must seek the help of qualified opthamologists who have had experiences treating, or at least familiar with, this particular condition.